Biodiversity: where Pakistan is standing?

James Dargie: Former Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture once said,   “The key lies in empowering the millions of smallholder producer and landless workers who form the backbone of rural economies in most developing countries to grow their incomes and improve their livelihood by raising agricultural productivity and engaging…

How much do we know about “Agricultural biodiversity” and its relationship with Food security?

Hi readers! Cary Fowler: a Biodiversity warrior once said, “It is impossible to talk about slowing change without talking about reducing CO2 emission, equally it is impossible to talk about adapting to climate without considering how we will feed ourselves, and it is out of question that we can adapt agriculture without conserving “Crops Diversity.”…

Greenhouse gases: the only culprit of perceived global warming? Oh No, It’s the cement industry man

Hi readers! how is your understanding of climate. Do you now believe in climate change, or you think it is a political issue? In my view there is something in between “climate change or no climate change” that we don’t understand but those who matter in this business they do. Let’s hope that one of…